Changing of the Guard

Everything seems to indicate that the winds of change are blowing. A change that is due to the inherent processes of natural life cycles. Intense winds that these days are prowling around, perhaps more than ever; winds that blow and fall upon us with all the force and mindlessness of their inevitability. And even if just being a consequence an impending change can many times be futile and light, and also transcendent, but it may also sometimes become superficial.

Photographic production is also a consequence of its era, and its expressive power is unable to escape the events that occur in its context. As visual testimony, photography is a document, a means of expression and communication. It gives the photographer a privileged position: to be guardian of his time. Photographic practice’s documentary value is represented mainly by realism. It assumes symbolic nuances in Changing of the Guard by presenting a catalogue that allows us a parallel reading that, without ceasing to be realistic, hides something else behind it. It is in the details, in the thoroughness of elements, in the innermost recesses of the image, where Changing of the Guard tries to cease revealing what is significant in the trivial, searching for a meaning in the common. And it is that, faced with the obvious current visual imprint, surpassed in its affluence, and facing the overflowing stimulus of immediacy, we are faced with images that, without abandoning photography’s documentary spirit, photographers resort to different styles and subgenres of photographic language. Images that, crouching between the lines, invite us to pausedly reflect and to more expansive thought on our society’s transformation processes.

Delving into photography’s folds is to betray other purposes such as discovering valuable information in perception’s unconsciousness. Said information is often concealed in certain totalizing claims. People are confused in the appraisal of apparent change – often stemming just from an imminent growth - as a number’s or a statistic’s coldness might not represent a real and profound transformation.

Exhibition held at ArtLima – International Art Fair (Lima).